Friday, February 14, 2025

The Court will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of Washington's Birthday

How Do I Request a Court Reporter?

Official court reporters are available in felony criminal cases and juvenile matters during regular court hours. Official court reporters are not available for civil matters in Departments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 53, and 54, all family law and probate matters.

The Sacramento Superior Court provides electronic recording services in infraction and most misdemeanor proceedings. The court may electronically record limited civil proceedings, including unlawful detainers, collections, and small claims, if recording equipment is available. This does not apply to Law & Motion matters in Departments 53 and 54.

A party who has been granted a waiver of court fees and costs may request the services of an official court reporter for a proceeding for which a reporter is not normally available and for which electronic recording is not provided. Such a request should be made using the Request for Court Reporter by a Party with a Fee Waiver (CV-211) and must be filed with the clerk at least 10 days before the proceeding, or at the time the proceeding is scheduled if less than 10 days away. Failure to comply with this request procedure may result in the court being unable to provide a court reporter or a continuance of the hearing. Party(ies) to the case who do not qualify for a waiver of court fees and costs will be responsible for a pro rata share of the fees.

Note: The court is not obligated to provide court reporter transcripts free of charge to a party who has been granted a waiver of court fees and costs. (See Jameson v. Desta (2018) 5 Cal.5th 594, 623-625.) Assistance may be available through the Transcript Reimbursement Fund. Further information is available on the California Court Reporters Board's website.

The following materials provide information related to official court reporters, including official reporters pro tempore:

For a Civil Matter?

Effective August 8, 2022, Official court reporters are not available for civil matters in Departments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 53, and 54, all family law and probate matters, with exceptions listed in the Court’s Policy Regarding Availability and Unavailability of Official Court Reporters.

Parties arranging for their own reporter, may choose one from the Court-Approved Pro Tempore list or bring a reporter not on the list. If the reporter is not on the Court-Approved Pro Tempore list, the parties must file a completed Stipulation and Appointment of Official Reporter Pro Tempore (form CV/E-206) prior to the hearing. Stipulations filed on or the day before the hearing, must be emailed to or if the hearing is at Law and Motion. If the hearing is at Gordon D. Schaber Sacramento County Courthouse, please file the Stipulation with the assigned department. Additional information regarding this policy as well as the Court’s Policy for Official Court Reporter’s Pro Tempore can be found above or to review the policy click here:

For parties who have a fee waiver and request a court reporter, please see the How Do I Request a Court Reporter section above.

For a Family Law or Probate Matter Held at the Family Relations Courthouse?

The services of an official court reporter are very limited. To request a court reporter for an upcoming hearing or trial in a family law or probate matter, contact the court reporter's office at, no later than 4:00 p.m. at least five court days before the hearing or trial.

Parties arranging for their own reporter, may choose one from the Court-Approved Pro Tempore list of bring a reporter not on the list. If the reporter is not on the Court-Approved Pro Tempore list, the parties must file a completed Stipulation and Appointment of Official Reporter Pro Tempore (form CV/E-206) prior to the hearing. If the hearing is at William R. Ridgeway Family Relations Courthouse, please file the Stipulation through the drop box no less than 2 days before the hearing. Additional information regarding this policy as well as the Court’s Policy for Official Court Reporter’s Pro Tempore can be found above or the policy can be reviewed here:

Court reporter fees must be paid in advance of the hearing, unless a fee waiver is on file. You may pay these fees at the William R. Ridgeway Family Relations Courthouse.

For parties who have a fee waiver and request a court reporter, please see the How Do I Request a Court Reporter section above.

What Are the Court Reporter Fees?

  • One hour or less - $30 (pursuant to GC 68086)
  • ½ Day proceeding - $239
  • Full Day proceeding - $478

Make check payable to Sacramento Superior Court. This fee is for the appearance of a court reporter, not for the production of a transcript.

How Long Do Reporters Retain Their Notes?

Per Government Code Section 69955(e), and the policy of this Court, with the exception of death penalty cases, the reporter’s shorthand notes for criminal proceedings are only required to be retained for a period of ten (10) years. All other proceedings, including civil, reporter’s notes are required to be retained for five (5) years. A transcript may not be available for all proceedings.

How Do I Determine Who the Court Reporter Was for Proceedings?

You may access your case file which shows the department number and dates of every hearing heard in the case through our:

Public Case Access System

Please note that if you do not have a case number, you may have to search for your case by party name.

After determining the date(s) and department(s) of the desired hearing, go to our assignment logs. The logs will show what reporter was assigned to the department on the day you are requesting. If the log indicates electronic or digital recording, please see the instructions below.

If you do not have access to the Internet, you may go to the downtown courthouse (civil and criminal cases) or WRRFRC courthouse (family law and probate cases), and order the physical court file. The court file will note the CSR# in the column of the court appearance.

How Do I Request a Court Reporter Transcript?

Requests for Court Reporter Transcripts may be submitted via our online Transcript Request Form. In order to process your request, you will need to include the following information:

  • Name and phone number of requestor
  • Case Name
  • Case Number
  • Date of Proceedings
  • Courtroom Number / Department
  • Name of Court Reporter

After receiving your request, the court reporter will provide you with an estimate of cost for the transcript. You will then need to make arrangements with the court reporter for payment. Once financial arrangements and payment has been made, the court reporter will prepare the transcript per your request.

Note: Please allow two weeks to be contacted by the reporter with an estimate. If you do not see the name of the court reporter on the list or have not been contacted in two weeks regarding your request for a transcript, please call the facility where the case was heard and ask to speak to the court reporter supervisor. The supervisor/lead reporter will be able to assist you with this matter.

Note: These procedures apply to court reporters working in the downtown court facilities and family law and probate matters. For instructions on how to submit a transcript request form for Juvenile Delinquency proceedings occuring at the Juvenile Courthouse (JCH) or Juvenile Dependency proceedings occuring at the William R. Ridgeway Family Relations Courthouse (WRRFRC) - 3rd floor, please contact the supervisor for this facility or see information listed below.

For court reporters not listed, please refer to the Department of Consumer Affairs Court Reporters Board of California for contact information or contact the lead court reporter or court reporter supervisor.

How to Request A Court Reporter Transcript for a Juvenile Delinquency/Dependency Proceeding

If you are a party to the case, to obtain a transcript for a Juvenile Delinquency or Juvenile Dependency proceeding you will be required to submit a Juvenile Proceedings: Request for Court Reporter’s Transcript (local form JC-E-010) to the facility address listed below. You will be required to submit a signed Declaration for Access to Juvenile Case File (local form JC-E-667) prior to the release of the transcript(s). Please mail the completed form JC-E-010 to the appropriate contact person listed below.

Juvenile Dependency: Tess Chiamparino, Operations Manager, William R. Ridgeway Family Relations Courthouse, 3341 Power Inn Road, 3rd Floor, Sacramento, CA 95826

Juvenile Delinquency: Tess Chiamparino, Operations Manager, Juvenile Courthouse, 9605 Kiefer Blvd., 2nd Floor, Sacramento, CA 95827

The court reporter will contact you with an estimate of the cost and preparation time for the transcript(s).

If your parental rights have been terminated, or if you are not a party to the case, your request for records (i.e., transcripts) must be made by submitting a Request for Disclosure of Juvenile Case File (form JV-570), Notice of Request for Disclosure of Juvenile Case File (form JV-571), and Proof of Service – Request for Disclosure (form JV-569) to the Juvenile Court in which the proceedings were held. For full instructions, please see Standing Order No. SSC-JV-99-021. If your request for records is granted by the judicial officer, then the court reporter(s) will contact you with an estimate of the cost and preparation time for the transcript(s). All fees must be paid to in full before the transcript(s) will be prepared.

All transcript fees must be paid to the court reporter in full before the transcript(s) will be prepared.

For questions about, or requests for, Juvenile Delinquency proceedings or Juvenile Dependency proceedings, please contact the appropriate supervisor/manager.

How Do I Request an Electronic Recording (Audio CD) for Depts. 1, 2, 3, 4, 17 and 84?

An electronic recording is an alternative method to capture court proceedings of misdemeanor or infraction cases by using an electronic recording device (Government Code Section 69957).

Proceedings in Departments 1, 2, 3, 4, 17 and 84 are generally captured digitally rather than through the use of a Court Reporter. Digital proceedings for these hearings in the Downtown court facilities are maintained by the Criminal Records Unit. The audio recording of a proceeding can be purchased for your use; however, it is not considered the "official record."

The Court will assess a charge to cover the cost of the CD, creating the recording, and administrative costs in processing your request. The current fee is $12.50 per disc. Note: Please use a separate form for each recording request.

Complete the Electronic Recording (Audio CD) Request Form. Make check payable to Sacramento Superior Court in the amount of $12.50. DO NOT SEND CASH. Mail to:

Sacramento Superior Court
720 9th Street, Room 101
Attention: ER (Audio CD) Request
Sacramento, CA 95814

Upon receipt your request/payment will be processed in 7-10 business days.

What if I Need My CD ASAP?

If your request is urgent, please write "RUSH" on the form. It usually takes 7-10 business days, but the ER clerk may expedite rush requests. Please note: In some cases it may not be possible for the Court to provide a copy of a recording on a rush basis, but every effort will be made to meet the request.

What if I Need a Transcript of the Recording?

If you wish to have your electronic recording transcribed for personal records, please contact a transcription agency through the local telephone book or through the Internet.

How Do I Request an Electronic Recording Transcript for Depts. 16, 17, 24, 25, 26, 27, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, and 45?

An electronic recording is an alternative method to capture court proceedings of misdemeanor or infraction cases by using an electronic recording device (Government Code Section 69957).

Proceedings in Departments 16, 17, 24, 25, 26, 27, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44 and 45 are captured digitally rather than through the use of a Court Reporter. Digital proceedings for these hearings in the Downtown court facilities are maintained by the Criminal Records Unit.

Complete the Electronic Recording Transcript Request Form. Once the Court has received the request, a clerk will send an “estimated cost” for the transcript(s). Upon receipt of payment your request will be processed in 7-10 business days.

Once you have completed the form, please mail to:

Sacramento Superior Court
720 9th Street, Room 101
Attention: ER Transcript Request
Sacramento, CA 95814

Who May I Contact if I Have a Court Reporter or Transcript Question?

Family Relations Courthouse - Family Law:

Rebecca Patterson,

Family Relations Courthouse - Juvenile Dependency:

Tess Chiamparino,

Juvenile Courthouse - Juvenile Justice:

Tess Chiamparino,

Downtown Facilities:

Court Reporter, Main Line916-874-5781n/a
Annabelle Coleman, Supervisorn/
Araceli Plasencia, Lead Court Reportern/