Public Notice / Standing Orders

Prerogative Writ Departments

The Civil Unit assigns Petitions for Prerogative Writs on a random basis. Please reference the individual department's policies and protocol for prerogative writs and motions.

Department 4
Hon. Jennifer K. Rockwell

Civil writ proceedings in Department 4 are conducted in accordance with this Protocol and the Sacramento Superior Court Guide to the Procedures for Prosecuting Petitions for Prerogative Writs available on this court's website. Additionally, the court expects all attorneys to be familiar with the Attorney Guidelines of Civility and Professionalism, adopted by the State Bar of California, and the Standards of Professional Conduct, adopted by the Sacramento County Bar Association.


The clerk of Department 4 schedules hearings on writ petitions and motions addressing preliminary matters. Writ petitions and motions are normally heard in Department 4 on Mondays at 10:00 a.m. and 11:00. Other times may be set with only with the approval of the court upon a showing of good cause.

The moving party must reserve a date with the department clerk before noticing a hearing. Prior to reserving a hearing date, the moving party shall contact the clerk at 916-874-5527 for available dates and times. The moving party shall then meet and confer with all parties to select a mutually convenient date and time from the available dates and times provided by the clerk. After this meet and confer has occurred, the moving party may call the clerk to reserve the agreed date and time.

Ex Parte Matters

Ex parte applications must comply with California Rules of Court, rule 3.1200 et seq - external link Specifically, pursuant to rule 3.1201, any application for ex parte relief must be in writing. Applications for ex parte relief and oppositions thereto should be filed directly in the assigned department. When documents are not filed directly in the assigned department, parties shall deliver an endorsed copy directly to the department. Parties wishing to request an ex parte hearing must contact the clerk in Department 4. The clerk will not reserve a hearing date, but rather, the court will review the pleadings, and if the court determines that a hearing is necessary, the clerk will advise the moving party of the time and date set for the hearing. Once advised by the court of the appearance date, the moving party is required to give notice pursuant to rule 3.1203.

The Court prefers at least 48 hours notice, but, upon a showing of urgency, will accept less.

Requirements for First Pleading in Claims Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act

Effective August 21, 2023, the caption page of the first pleading in any case that alleges one or more claims pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Pub. Res Code, §§ 21000, et seq.) shall clearly identify that the case is a CEQA case. The words “CEQA case” must appear on the caption page.

Additionally, if the CEQA claim relates to an infrastructure project governed by Public Resources Code sections 21189.80 et seq, the caption page must also state the code sections under which the CEQA cause of action is litigated and state “EXPEDITED REVIEW.”

At the time the pleading is filed, the person presenting the pleading for filing must notify the clerk processing the filing that the case is a CEQA case and, if warranted, that it is entitled to expedited review under Public Resources Code section 21189.85. Once a notice of case assignment is generated, the petitioner must immediately deliver a courtesy copy of the pleading to the assigned department and contact the department clerk regarding scheduling a case management conference.


In addition to compliance with the Court’s rules regarding e-Filing, parties must deliver two hard copies of all filings to Department 4 on the same day that the motion or pleading is e-Filed. If the motion or pleading is e-Filed after hours or on a weekend/court holiday, the hard copies shall be delivered to Department 4 the following court day.

Additionally, all administrative records must be lodged directly with Department 4 no more than 45 days before the hearing date. They shall not be sent by email. Department 4 prefers to receive administrative records on hard copy AND USB flash drives, but will accept hard copies as well as CDs if necessary, as detailed herein under “Lodging Administrative Record.” Additionally, in cases filed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Department 4 also requires excerpt binders containing copies of the pages referred to in the parties’ briefing.

Additionally, at the time of filing of any document, parties are directed to email a courtesy copy of any filing as a PDF to the Department 4 email Emailing the courtesy copy will not be considered filing.

Tentative Rulings

In most cases, Department 4 uses the Tentative Ruling System. On the court day before each hearing, the court will post either a tentative ruling or a direction that the parties appear at the hearing.

Any tentative ruling or direction to appear at the hearing will be available at 2:00 p.m. the day before and may be obtained on this court's website. For those without access to the Internet, a copy of the tentative ruling or direction to appear may be obtained from the clerk of Department 4.

A tentative ruling shall become the ruling of the court, unless a party contacts the Department 4 clerk to request a hearing no later than 4:00 p.m. on the court day preceding the hearing and further advises the clerk that the party requesting the hearing has notified all other parties of its request and intention to appear. If no hearing is requested, the tentative ruling will become the ruling of the court without hearing.

All notices of motions or hearings shall include the following information in the notice: "Pursuant to Local Rule 1.06, the court will make a tentative ruling on this matter by 2:00 p.m., the court day before the hearing. The complete text of the tentative rulings for the department may be downloaded off the court’s website. If the party does not have online access, they may call the dedicated phone number for the department as referenced in the local telephone directory between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. on the court day before the hearing and receive the tentative ruling. If you do not call the court and the opposing party by 4:00 p.m. the court day before the hearing, no hearing will be held."

Remote Appearances

Parties are encouraged to appear remotely at conferences, hearings, and proceedings by video or telephone on the Zoom platform with notice to the court and all other parties in accordance with Code of Civil Procedure 367.75 - external link. If appearing remotely, parties are required to participate in their hearing using a device that has video and/or audio capability (i.e. computer, smartphone, or tablet). Although remote participation is not required, the Court will presume all parties are appearing remotely for non-evidentiary civil hearings.

The parties may join the Zoom session for the hearing on the tentative ruling by audio and/or video through the following link/telephone number:

Zoom Link Toll-Free Telephone Conference Line Meeting ID
https://saccourt.zoom.cs/my/dept04a - external link (833) 568-8864 160 7584 1179

Fax Filings

Documents faxed directly to the court will not be filed.

Meet and Confer Requirement

The parties must meet and confer as to both the hearing date and the substance of any motion. The moving party shall include a declaration attesting to this with any motion.

Alternative Writs

Issuance of an alternative writ merely places the matter on the court's calendar for hearing. It does not stay any action or afford any affirmative relief. If issued, the alternative writ must be served in the same manner as a summons in a civil action unless the court orders otherwise. (See Code Civ. Proc., §1073.) The court will set a briefing schedule when the alternative writ is issued.

In bringing a mandamus petition to trial/hearing on the merits, the Court prefers that parties proceed by noticed motion instead of by alternative writ. (See page 7 of the Guide to the Procedures for Prosecuting Petitions for Prerogative Writs.)

Absent a showing of good cause or waiver by the responding party, no alternative writ will be issued unless the moving party serves all parties with the application at least five days before the ex parte hearing.

Lodging Administrative Record

Administrative records are lodged directly with the department. The administrative record must be lodged in the department not less than 25 days, but not more than 45 days, before the hearing. Parties should attach a cover sheet to the administrative record (and any boxes containing the record) listing the case name, case number, and the date and time of the hearing. Documents comprising the administrative record must be bound or in binders.

When securing a date and time for a hearing on the merits of the petition, parties should inform the clerk of the size of the administrative record.

If the administrative record is voluminous (generally, if it fills more than three large three-ring binders and/or exceeds 500 pages in length), parties are directed to lodge, in addition to the original administrative record, an electronic copy of the administrative record. The electronic copy of the administrative record must be (i) created in portable document format (PDF) or other format for which the software for creating and reading documents is generally available; (ii) divided into a series of electronic files and include electronic bookmarks that identify each part of the record and clearly state the volume and page numbers contained in each part of the record; (iii) capable of full text searching; and (iv) contained on a CD-ROM, DVD, or USB flash drive, labeled with the case name, case number, and title of the document. The department generally prefers the electronic copy be submitted on a USB flash drive. Parties should consult with the clerk if they are unable to comply with any of these requirements.


Once a hearing or motion is set on calendar, it may be continued only upon order of the court. A party requesting a continuance should obtain available dates and times from the clerk of Department 4, meet and confer with all parties on a new date. Thereafter, the party seeking the continuance shall present either a Stipulation and Proposed Order or, if opposing parties are unwilling to stipulate, a motion and proposed order for a continuance. Applicable filing fees shall be paid to the cashier in Room 102.

Temporary Stays

Prior to any hearing on an application for issuance of a temporary stay, temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction, proof of service of the petition or alternative writ must be filed with the court.

Evidentiary Objections

Objections to evidence submitted in any papers shall comply with California Rules of Court rule 3.1352 - external link and rule 3.1354 - external link.

Department 21
Hon. Shelleyanne W.L. Chang

Civil writ proceedings in Department 21 are conducted in accordance with this Protocol, the Court's Local Rules, and the Court's Guide to the Procedures for Prosecuting Petitions for Prerogative Writs.


Department 21 hears writs and motions on Fridays at 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Other days and times shall be set only with the approval of the court upon a showing of good cause.


The clerk of Department 21 schedules hearings on writs and motions. Contact the clerk at 916-874-5924 for a list of available dates and times.

The moving party must reserve a date and time with the department clerk before noticing the hearing. Prior to reserving a hearing date, the moving party should contact the clerk for available dates and times, and meet and confer with all parties to select a mutually convenient date and time from the available dates and times provided by the clerk. Parties are advised to agree on at least two available dates before calling the clerk to reserve a hearing date.

Ex Parte Matters

Ex parte applications must comply with California Rule of Court, rule 3.1200 - external linket seq. Specifically, pursuant to rule 3.1201, any application for ex parte relief must be in writing. Applications for ex parte relief and oppositions thereto should be filed directly in the assigned department. When documents are not filed directly in the assigned department, parties shall deliver an endorsed copy directly to the department. After receipt and consideration of the written application, the Court will advise the moving party of the time and date set for the ex parte appearance. Once advised by the Court of the appearance date, the moving party is required to give notice pursuant to rule 3.1203.

The Court prefers at least 48 hours notice, but upon a showing of urgency, will accept less.

Requirements for First Pleading in Claims Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act

Effective August 21, 2023, the caption page of the first pleading in any case that alleges one or more claims pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Pub. Res Code, §§ 21000, et seq.) shall clearly identify that the case is a CEQA case. The words “CEQA case” must appear on the caption page.

Additionally, if the CEQA claim relates to an infrastructure project governed by Public Resources Code sections 21189.80 et seq, the caption page must also state the code sections under which the CEQA cause of action is litigated and state “EXPEDITED REVIEW.”


In addition to compliance with the Court’s rules regarding e-filing, parties must deliver two hard copies of all filings to Department 21 on the same day that the motion or pleading is e-filed. If the motion or pleading is e-filed on a weekend, the hard copies shall be delivered to Department 21 the following court day.

Additionally, at the time of filing any document parties are directed to email a courtesy copy as a PDF to the Department 21 email Emailing the courtesy copy will not be considered filing.

Tentative Rulings

This department uses the Tentative Ruling System. On the court day before each noticed writ or motion hearing (generally Thursday), the Court will post a tentative ruling or a direction that the parties appear at the hearing.

The tentative ruling will be available at 2:00 p.m. and may be obtained on the Court's public portal. For those without access to the internet, the tentative ruling may be obtained by requesting a copy from the clerk of Department 21. Unless a party requests oral argument no later than 4:00 p.m. on the court day preceding the scheduled hearing and further advises the clerk that such party has notified all other parties of its intention to appear, the tentative ruling shall become the final ruling of the Court.

All notices of motions or hearings shall include the following information in the notice:

"Pursuant to Local Rule 1.06, the Court will make a tentative ruling on the merits of this matter by 2:00 p.m., the court day before the hearing. To receive the tentative ruling, you can access the Court's public portal or arrange to obtain the tentative ruling from the clerk of Department 21. If you do not call the Court and the opposing party by 4:00 p.m. the court day before the hearing, no hearing will be held."

Remote Appearances

Parties are encouraged to appear in person at conferences, hearings, and other proceedings. Should a party desire to appear remotely, pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 367.75, and California Rules of Court 3.672, the party may so request. The Court will make a determination on a case-by-case basis pursuant to section 367.75 subdivision (b)(3) whether an in-person appearance will materially assist in the determination of the conference, hearing, or proceeding or in the effective management or resolution of the matter.

If appearing remotely, parties are required to participate in the hearing using a device that has video and/or audio capability (i.e. computer, smartphone, or tablet.) Any remote appearance must occur on the Zoom platform. Upon approval for a remote appearance by the Court, the parties may contact the Department 21 courtroom clerk to obtain Zoom login information.

Fax Filings

Documents faxed directly to the Court will not be filed.

Meet and Confer Requirement

The parties must meet and confer as to both the hearing date and the substance of any motion. The moving party shall include a declaration attesting to this with any motion.

Alternative Writs

Absent a showing of good cause or waiver by the responding party, no alternative writ will be issued unless the moving party serves all parties with the application at least five days before the ex parte hearing.

Issuance of an alternative writ merely places the matter on the court's calendar for hearing. It does not stay any action or afford any affirmative relief. If issued, the alternative writ must be served in the same manner as a summons in a civil action unless the court orders otherwise. The court will set a briefing schedule when the alternative writ is issued.

In bringing a mandamus petition to trial/hearing on the merits, the Court prefers that parties proceed by noticed motion instead of by alternative writ. See the Court's Guide to the Procedures for Prosecuting Petitions for Prerogative Writs, at p. 7.

Temporary Stays

Proof of service of the alternative writ or, if no alternative writ is sought, of the filed petition, must be filed with the Court prior to any hearing on an application for the issuance of a temporary stay (or temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction).

A request for stay of suspension of a driving license must include a copy of the petitioner's driving record. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.1142.)

Lodging Administrative Record

All administrative records must be lodged directly with Department 21. They shall not be e-filed.

Parties are directed to lodge, in addition to the original administrative record, an electronic copy of the administrative record. The electronic copy of the administrative record must be (i) created in portable document format (PDF) or other format for which the software for creating and reading documents is in the public domain or generally available; (ii) divided into a series of electronic files and include electronic bookmarks that identify each part of the record and clearly state the volume and page numbers contained in each part of the record; (iii) capable of full text searching; and (iv) contained on a CD-ROM, DVD, or USB flash drive, labeled with the case name, case number, and title of the document. The department generally prefers the electronic copy be submitted on a USB flash drive. Parties should consult with the clerk if they are unable to comply with any of these requirements.

Additionally, in CEQA cases, Department 21 requires excerpt binders containing copies of the pages referred to in the parties’ briefing.

When securing a date and time for a hearing on the merits of the petition, parties should inform the clerk of the size of the administrative record.


After a hearing or motion is set, it may be continued only upon approval of the Court. The party seeking the new date should obtain available times and dates from the clerk of Department 21, meet and confer with all other parties on a new date, and then present a Stipulation and Order or, if opposing, parties are unwilling to stipulate, a motion for a continuance. There is a filing fee that must be paid to the cashier in Room 102.

Evidentiary Objections

Objections to evidence must comply with California Rules of Court rule 3.1352 - external link and rule 3.1354 - external link.

Department 32
Hon. James P. Arguelles

Civil writ proceedings in Department 32 are conducted in accordance with this Protocol, the Court's Local Rules, and the Court's Guide to the Procedures for Prosecuting Petitions for Prerogative Writs.


Department 32 hears writs and motions on Fridays at 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Other days and times shall be set only with the approval of the court upon a showing of good cause.


The clerk of Department 32 schedules hearings on writs and motions. Contact the clerk at 916-874-5682 for a list of available dates and times.

The moving party must schedule a date and time with the department clerk before noticing the hearing. Prior to scheduling a hearing date, the moving party should contact the clerk for available dates and times, and meet and confer with all parties to select a mutually convenient date and time from the available dates and times provided by the clerk. Parties are advised to agree on at least two available dates before calling the clerk to schedule a hearing date.

Ex Parte Matters

Ex parte applications must comply with California Rule of Court, rule 3.1200 - external link et seq. Specifically, pursuant to rule 3.1201, any application for ex parte relief must be in writing. Parties wishing to request an ex parte hearing must contact the clerk in Department 32, who will direct that all filings be electronically sent directly to the department. The clerk will not reserve a hearing date, but rather the Court will review the pleadings and, if the Court determines that a hearing is necessary, the clerk will advise the moving party of the time and date set for the ex parte appearance and any further briefing schedule.Once advised by the Court of the appearance date, the moving party is required to give notice pursuant to rule 3.1203.

The Court prefers at least 48 hours notice, but upon a showing of urgency, will accept less.

Requirements for First Pleading in Claims Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act

Effective August 21, 2023, the caption page of the first pleading in any case that alleges one or more claims pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Pub. Res Code, §§ 21000, et seq.) shall clearly identify that the case is a CEQA case. The words “CEQA case” must appear on the caption page.

Additionally, if the CEQA claim relates to an infrastructure project governed by Public Resources Code sections 21189.80 et seq, the caption page must also state the code sections under which the CEQA cause of action is litigated and state “EXPEDITED REVIEW.”

At the time the pleading is filed, the person presenting the pleading for filing must notify the clerk processing the filing that the case is a CEQA case and, if warranted, that it is entitled to expedited review under Public Resources Code section 21189.85. Once a notice of case assignment is generated, the petitioner must immediately deliver a courtesy copy of the pleading to the assigned department and contact the department clerk regarding scheduling a case management conference.


Notwithstanding the Court’s rules regarding e-Filing, parties shall deliver two hard copies of all motion briefing (merits and non-merits) to Department 32 on the same day that the brief(s) are e-Filed. If the brief(s) are e-Filed on a weekend or court holiday, the hard copies shall be delivered to Department 32 the following court day.

Tentative Rulings

This department uses a Tentative Ruling System. On the court day before each noticed writ or motion hearing (generally Thursday), the Court will post a tentative ruling or a direction that the parties appear at the hearing.

The tentative ruling will be available at 2:00 p.m. and may be obtained on the Court's public portal. For those without access to the internet, the tentative ruling may be obtained by requesting a copy from the clerk of Department 32. Unless a party requests oral argument no later than 4:00 p.m. on the court day preceding the scheduled hearing and further advises the clerk that such party has notified all other parties of its intention to appear, the tentative ruling shall become the final ruling of the court.

All notices of motions or hearings shall include the following information in the notice:

"Pursuant to Local Rule 1.06 (A), the court will make a tentative ruling on the merits of this matter by 2:00 p.m., the court day before the hearing. The complete text of the tentative ruling may be downloaded off the court’s website. If the party does not have online access, they may call the dedicated phone number for the department as referenced in the local telephone directory between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. on the court day before the hearing and receive the tentative ruling. If you do not call the court and the opposing party by 4:00 p.m. the court day before the hearing, no hearing will be held."

Remote Appearances

Throughout the entirety of the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of parties have successfully participated in their court hearings via the videoconferencing platform Zoom from home or other convenient location, rather than traveling to the courthouse to attend in person.

Parties are encouraged to appear remotely at conferences, hearings, and proceedings by video or telephone on the Zoom platform with notice to the court and all other parties in accordance with Code of Civil Procedure 367.75. - external link If appearing remotely parties are required to participate in their hearing using a device that has video and/or audio capability (i.e. computer, smartphone, or tablet). Although remote participation is not required, the Court will presume all parties are appearing remotely for non-evidentiary civil hearings.

Fax Filings

Documents faxed directly to the Court will not be filed.

Alternative Writs

Absent a showing of good cause or waiver by the responding party, no alternative writ will be issued unless the moving party serves all parties with the application at least five days before the ex parte hearing.

Issuance of an alternative writ merely places the matter on the court's calendar for hearing. It does not stay any action or afford any affirmative relief. If issued, the alternative writ must be served in the same manner as a summons in a civil action unless the court orders otherwise. The court will set a briefing schedule when the alternative writ is issued.

In bringing a mandamus petition to trial/hearing on the merits, the Court prefers that parties proceed by noticed motion instead of by alternative writ. See the court's Guide to the Procedures for Prosecuting Petitions for Prerogative Writs, at p. 7.

Temporary Stays

Proof of service of the alternative writ or, if no alternative writ is sought, of the filed petition, must be filed with the Court prior to any hearing on an application for the issuance of a temporary stay (or temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction).

A request for stay of suspension of a driving license must include a copy of the petitioner's driving record. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.11142 - external link.)

Lodging Administrative Record

Administrative records are lodged directly with the department. The administrative record must be lodged in the department not less than 25 days, but not more than 45 days, before the hearing. Parties should file a separate notice of lodging with the administrative record (and, if applicable, any boxes containing the record) listing the case name, case number, and the date and time of the hearing.

When securing a date and time for a hearing on the merits of the petition, parties should inform the clerk of the size of the administrative record.

If the administrative record is voluminous (generally, if it fills more than three large three-ring binders and/or exceeds 750 pages in length), parties are directed to lodge, in addition to the original administrative record, an electronic copy of the administrative record. The electronic copy of the administrative record must be (i) created in portable document format (PDF) or other format for which the software for creating and reading documents is in the public domain or generally available; (ii) divided into a series of electronic files and include electronic bookmarks that identify each part of the record and clearly state the volume and page numbers contained in each part of the record; (iii) capable of full text searching; and (iv) contained on a USB flash drive, labeled with the case name, case number, and title of the document. Parties should consult with the clerk if they are unable to comply with any of these requirements.


After a hearing or motion is set, it may be continued only upon approval of the Court. The party seeking the new date should obtain available times and dates from the clerk of Department 32, meet and confer with all other parties on a new date, and then present a Stipulation and Order or, if opposing, parties are unwilling to stipulate, a motion for a continuance. There is a filing fee that must be paid to the cashier in Room 102.

Evidentiary Objections

Objections to evidence must comply with California Rules of Court rule 3.1352 - external link and rule 3.1354 - external link.

Department 36
Hon. Stephen Acquisto

Civil writ proceedings in Department 36 are conducted in accordance with this Protocol and the Sacramento Superior Court Guide to the Procedures for Prosecuting Petitions for Prerogative Writs available on the court's website. The court also expects counsel to abide by the Attorney Guidelines of Civility and Professionalism, adopted by the State Bar of California, and the Standards of Professional Conduct, adopted by the Sacramento County Bar Association.


The clerk of Department 36 schedules hearings on writ petitions and motions addressing preliminary matters. Writ petitions and motions are normally heard in Department 36 on Fridays at 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. Other times may be set with the approval of the court upon a showing of good cause.

The moving party must reserve a date with the department clerk before noticing a hearing. Litigants should ordinarily communicate with the court via email rather than by phone. Please email the clerk at for available dates and times, and then meet and confer with all parties to select a date and time that is mutually convenient. Then please email the clerk to reserve the agreed upon date and time.

Ex Parte Matters

Ex parte applications must comply with California Rule of Court, rule 3.1200 et seq - external link. The court prefers at least 48 hours notice, but upon a showing of urgency, will accept less. Once the court reviews the ex parte application, it will inform the moving party whether a hearing will be held, and if so, the date. If applicable, the court may also instruct the moving party to inform all other parties of the date oppositions are due and the date of the hearing.


Other than administrative records, parties shall file an original and two copies of each document either at the Civil Front Counter in Room 102, or by mail addressed to the Civil Division - Room 102, 720 9th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. We do not accept fax filings.

Upon doing so, parties should also email a courtesy copy of any filing as a PDF to the Department 36 email at Emailing the courtesy copy will not be considered filing.

If you are filing an administrative record, please file with the clerk of Department 36 no more than 25 days before the hearing date. If the record is more than 500 pages, please email the clerk in Department 36 for directions.

If documents are filed within a day of the hearing, an endorsed copy shall be delivered to Dept. 36. (Local Rule 2.26(c).)

Tentative Rulings

In most cases, Department 36 uses the Tentative Ruling System. On the court day before each hearing, the court will post either a tentative ruling or a direction that the parties appear at the hearing.

The tentative ruling or direction to appear at the hearing will be available at 2:00 p.m. the day before and may be obtained on this court's website. For those without access to the Internet, a copy of the tentative ruling or direction to appear may be obtained from the clerk of Department 36.

A tentative ruling shall become the ruling of the court, unless a party contacts the Department 36 clerk to request a hearing no later than 4:00 p.m. on the court day preceding the hearing and further advises the clerk that the party requesting the hearing has notified all other parties of its request and intention to appear. If no hearing is requested, the tentative ruling will become the ruling of the court without hearing.

All notices of motions or hearings shall include the following information in the notice: "Pursuant to Local Rule 1.06, the court will make a tentative ruling on this matter by 2:00 p.m., the court day before the hearing. You can access any tentative ruling on the court's website at or obtain the tentative ruling from the clerk of Department 36. If the court issues a tentative ruling and you do not call the court and the opposing party by 4:00 p.m. the court day before the hearing date to request a hearing, no hearing will be held."

Remote Appearances

Parties may, if they choose, appear remotely at conferences, hearings, and proceedings using the court’s Zoom link with notice to the court and all other parties in accordance with Code of Civil Procedure 367.75 - external link. If appearing via Zoom, parties are required to use a computer or tablet that has video and audio capability.

Zoom Link Meeting ID - external link 282-712-5086

Meet and Confer Requirement

The parties must meet and confer as to both the hearing date and the substance of any motion. The moving party shall include a declaration attesting to this with any motion.

Alternative Writs

Absent a showing of good cause or waiver by the responding party, no alternative writ will be issued unless the moving party serves all parties with the application at least five days before the ex parte hearing.

An alternative writ merely places the matter on the court's calendar. It does not stay any action or afford any affirmative relief. If issued, the alternative writ must be served in the same manner as a summons in a civil action unless the court orders otherwise. (See Code Civ. Proc., §1073 - external link.) The court will set a briefing schedule when the alternative writ is issued.

The court prefers parties to use a notice of hearing instead of seeking issuance of an alternative writ to place a matter on calendar. See page 7 of the Guide to the Procedure for Prosecuting Petitions for Prerogative Writs.

Lodging Administrative Record

Administrative records must be lodged directly with the department not less than 25 days, nor more than 45 days, before the hearing. Parties should attach a cover sheet to the administrative record (and any boxes containing the record) listing the case name, case number, and the date and time of the hearing. When securing a date and time for a hearing on the merits of the petition, parties should inform the clerk of the size of the administrative record.

If the administrative record is voluminous (if it fills three or more large three-ring binders or exceeds 750 pages), parties are directed to lodge, in addition to the original administrative record, an electronic copy of the record. The electronic copy must be (i) in PDF format (or other format in general use); (ii) divided into a series of electronic files and include electronic bookmarks that identify each part of the record and clearly state the volume and page numbers contained in each part of the record; (iii) capable of full text searching; and (iv) contained on a CD-ROM, DVD, or USB flash drive, labeled with the case name, case number, and title of the document. The department generally prefers the electronic copy be submitted on a USB flash drive. Parties should consult with the clerk if they are unable to comply with any of these requirements.

Requirements for First Pleading in Claims Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act

Effective August 21, 2023, the caption page of the first pleading in any case that alleges one or more claims pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Pub. Res Code, §§ 21000, et seq.) shall clearly identify that the case is a CEQA case. The words “CEQA case” must appear on the caption page.

Additionally, if the CEQA claim relates to an infrastructure project governed by Public Resources Code sections 21189.80 et seq, the caption page must also state the code sections under which the CEQA cause of action is litigated and state “EXPEDITED REVIEW.”

At the time the pleading is filed, the person presenting the pleading for filing must notify the clerk processing the filing that the case is a CEQA case and, if warranted, that it is entitled to expedited review under Public Resources Code section 21189.85. Once a notice of case assignment is generated, the petitioner must immediately deliver a courtesy copy of the pleading to the assigned department and contact the department clerk regarding scheduling a case management conference.

Requirements for first pleading in claims pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act

Effective August 21, 2023, the caption page of the first pleading in any case that alleges one or more claims pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Pub. Res Code, §§ 21000, et seq.) shall clearly identify that the case is a CEQA case. The words “CEQA case” must appear on the caption page.

Additionally, if the CEQA claim relates to an infrastructure project governed by Public Resources Code sections 21189.80 et seq, the caption page must also state the code sections under which the CEQA cause of action is litigated and state “EXPEDITED REVIEW.”

At the time the pleading is filed, the person presenting the pleading for filing must notify the clerk processing the filing that the case is a CEQA case and, if warranted, that it is entitled to expedited review under Public Resources Code section 21189.85. Once a notice of case assignment is generated, the petitioner must immediately deliver a courtesy copy of the pleading to the assigned department and contact the department clerk regarding scheduling a case management conference.


Once a hearing or motion is set on calendar, it may be continued only upon order of the Court. A party requesting a continuance should obtain available dates and times from the clerk of Department 36, meet and confer with all parties on a new date, and then present either a Stipulation and Proposed Order or, if opposing parties are unwilling to stipulate, a motion and proposed order for a continuance. Applicable filing fees shall be paid to the cashier in Room 102.

Temporary Stays

Proof of service of the alternative writ or, if no alternative writ is sought, proof of service of the filed petition, must be filed with the court prior to any hearing on an application for issuance of a temporary stay, temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction.

Evidentiary Objections

Objections to evidence submitted in any papers shall comply with California Rules of Court rule 3.1352 - external link and rule 3.1354 - external link.